
What's New

We have updated our latest information. We want you to come to our church and join our service, cell-groups and other events! Anyone is welcome! If you are interested in anything about us, please, come and enjoy with us!

You can check our latest information and events soon!

click here(Bilingual)

Morning Devotion

Every Tuesday through Friday, we start morning devotion at 7:30AM. Our style differs from others and is so unique. We started with reading the bible together. Then, sharing and Evangelism starts. Each of us explain the chapter's meaning in detail.

You can go online and listen our devotion on a daily basis!

click here(Bilingual)

1st and 2nd Service

On Sunday, we have 1st service at 9:00AM and 2nd service at 11:00AM. The 1st service is spoken in Japanese and bilingual in 2nd service. Great missionaries and preachers come from other Japanese areas and even overseas.

You can watch our 1st/2nd servces via Ustream anytime!

click here(Japanese and Bilingual)